Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ybor City Distraction: La Creperia Cafe

OK. its not Brandon, I get it, but Erin and I were on an airport run to pick up my sister Donna. She was arriving from Rochester, NY, rising at some ridiculous hour (like 4:30am), and having only a breakfast sandwich to eat. It was now after 1:00pm and our collective tummies were on full alert.

Airport Success!!
Erin suggested that we should do lunch at La Creperia Cafe, in Ybor City. We had been talking about Donna joining us for "bistro day" during her stay. I immediately mentioned that it was not quite in strict keeping with the theme of the blog "Bistros of Brandon", but then I thought "Ah what the hell, why not".

Boutique sized shops on 7th Ave., Ybor City, Tampa.
I had never been to this cafe, had not been down to Ybor in quite some time and I do love the old town atmosphere. Erin, on the other hand, had been here a couple of times before and liked it a bunch. So it was a lock.

Small spaces + old building = eclectic decor/work tools
It was mid-afternoon when we got there so there were only a few customers around for a late lunch. The full menu is provided on the web site linked above so I will not bore you with a description other than this: The dishes are all numbered and there are ninety-six to choose from. For ease of selection they are in general categories. Drinks of all kinds are not numbered so you will have to either point or actually speak your choice.

Build-out area shelters diners from kitchen. Nice decorations!
Erin and I choose water and Donna got a Diet Coke. To our surprise they brought her a plastic cup with ice and a teeny little (8.5oz) bottle of Diet Coke. I'm sorry but for $2.25 I expected at least one free refill. That makes the per-ounce cost $.265! Thats only a few cents per-ounce cheaper than gas for the car, Boom! As you can see below, Donna was a good egg about it:-)

Donna as product model for teeny Diet Coke. (apparently not caffeine free) 

Skinny little Coca Cola cooler for skinny little bottles.

Tasty crepes all around for us.
The menu section that seemed most fitting for us was called Savory Crepes. All crepes in this section were made with whole wheat flour. We started to eat before I remembered to get a pic of the dishes, but this gives you the idea. Crepes totally stuffed with goodies and a little taste of salad along side.
Donna and Erin both got
#39. La Bechamel - Cheese, chicken, broccoli with bechamel sauce (white roux). Top two dishes in the pic.
I ordered #47. La Paris - Cheese, feta, chicken, spinach and sweet red pepper.

Both dishes were rich tasting and filled with nicely shredded chicken and a proportion of ingredients that did not cause the crepes to become too firm or overly watery. More than enough for a fine lunch treat.

Love the collection of stuff on the red brick wall
I think the ladies were laughing with me rather than at me, but we had a good time regardless.

See, Erin enjoyed it!!
On our scale of Yuck to Super, I would have to give this experience a Super.

Three meals and one soda came to  $37 and change. A bit on the pricy side but it is good quality food prepared fresh for you, so I would call  it a good value. There is likely a little cost included for the trendy/touristy locale.

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